HohmTech HOHM RUN XL 21700 Battery
HohmTech HOHM RUN XL 21700 Battery
An extraordinary choice for those that want a serious punch in the 21700 world, without forfeiting capacity. With its QSP Li-NMC formula, these are officially rated at 3023mAh, with a CDR of 39.1A, and 80oC | 3.2V cut-off limit (whichever occurs first) @ 49.5A. All ratings are subject to meet and/or exceed strict limitation policies set forth for DLr1, TID2, PVDL3, CLR4, mΩR5, and Temperature (°C). Hohm RUN is based on the QSP formulation, with the chemistry unity process now at a slower MHz (megahertz) to keep costs down while achieving unprecedented capabilities. Every Hohm Tech cell model has been tested and certified by UN38.3, EN62133, IEC62133 2nd Edition, and UL1642 accredited laboratories and testing facilities assigned by regulatory bodies. This includes MSDS, CE, ROHS, UN38.3, IEC, Specifications, and Air/Sea Transport certifications. We do not cut corners. We deliver what we promise… chart-topping performance, capacity, consistency, and safety.